Jonathan Myall Music AKA Just Flutes – A fantastic music shop in Croydon selling all woodwind and brass instruments but specialising in Flutes with a great sheet music department.
Ian McLauchlan Flute Headjoint maker and repairer.
Jody Jazz Fantastic mouthpieces from a great guy in the US, available at Jonathan Myall Music.
Saxophone Project saxophone open source information website by Matt Stohrer – great resource for all repair topics.
New jazz Foundation Jazz combo from Chichester college HND course.
La Havanna jazz Club Chichester A great little jazz club with a great vibe in Chichester.
Taming the Saxophone Saxophone site where you can find loads of information about saxophones, saxophone playing (and players), accessories, mouthpieces, tone exercises, fingering exercises, jazz, rock & blues improvisation and lots more.
Cafe Saxophone Forum Cafe Saxophone is the ideal online place for saxophone players to meet, have a chat, a debate, listen to and critique each others’ playing, share ideas or just find stuff out. Players (old & new), teachers, students, saxophone manufacturers, retailers – all are welcome to contribute.
Sax on The Web Website and forum dedicated to all things saxophone.
SaxPics Saxophone resource – history, makes and models, pictures, serial number lists etc.
SaxTrader Saxophone site where you can buy and sell saxes and accessories, find a technician or dealer.
Vintage Instruments Online vintage musical instrument vendor.
Sax Stuff Bespoke and obsolete saxophone parts made to order.
James Rawlinson Bournemouth Based Performer, Saxophone, Clarinet & Flute Teacher
Red Fez Orchestra The Red Fez Orchestra plays the music of the 1920′s and 30′s, a golden era of Jazz which produced some of the world’s greatest dance music.
Jazzsmart Jazz saxophone short courses with world class tutors such as Derek Nash.
stolensaxophones A website with a list of stolen saxes.